Professore straordinario a tempo determinato 
Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code PEDAGOGIA GENERALE E SOCIALE (M-PED/01)
University Universita telematica "Giustino Fortunato" - Benevento 

Reception times

Ricevimento in sede: ogni primo e terzo giovedì del mese dalle ore 16:30 alle ore 17:30; Ricevimento on-line: ogni primo e terzo giovedì del mese dalle ore 19:00 alle ore 20:00.


Paolo Orefice


1) Personal data

IUSSUF- Institute of Higher Studies of Florence University Department of Sciences of Education and Psychology University of Florence 50123 Florence, Italy, Via Laura 48 tel. 055/2720223 – 217373, fax 055/292252, Mobile 366/4259539 E-mail orefice@unifi.it www.unescochair.unifi.it (under reconstruction)

2) Professional position

Professor Emeritus of General and Social Pedagogy Chairholder, Transdisciplinary Unesco Chair on Human Development and Culture of Peace, University of Florence

3) Professional experiences (University of Florence)

From 2006 Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair of Human Development and Culture of Peace at the Faculty of Sciences of Education 1990-2011 Full Professor of Social Pedagogy, Theories of Education, Methodology of Participatory Action Research 2001- 2005 Director of the School of Doctorate in Educational Sciences 2005-2008 Director of the International Master on Local Human Development, Culture of Peace and International Cooperation 2003-2006 Vice- Rector for Innovation and Quality of Higher Education 2003-2005 Director of the Master course on Quality of Educational Processes 2002-2004 Coordinator of the PHD course in Quality of Educational Processe 2002- 2003 Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Education 2001-2003 Deputy for Continuing Education 2000-2002 President of the Deans’ Conference of Sciences Education Faculties 1995- 2001 Dean of Sciences Education Faculty 1992-1995 President of the Bachelor Degree Course in Sciences of Education at the Faculty of Magistry

4) National and international scientific and professional Associations membership

- EDAFORUM - Permanent Forum of the national, regional and local organisms of Adult Education, (already President) - RUEDA - Italian University Research Network on Adult Education, within the Italian Society of Pedagogy (National Coordinator) - AIDEA- Italian Association of Adult Education (co-founder) - AIEC-Italian Association of Community Education (co-founder) - SIPED - Italian Society of Pedagogy (member of the National Directive Board) - ICAE-International Council for Adult Education (already coordinator of the Southern Europe Network for Participatory Research) - ICEA-International Community Education Association (already added Director for the European region) - WCCES-World Comparative Council of Education Societies (already member of world-wide Council) - UIE – UNESCO Institute of Education in Hamburg (already added Member of the Board of Directors)

5) Contexts of scientific and professional work

Scientific and professional work is focused on Human Development theories, on Creating Knowledge theories, on Participatory Action Research methodologies and on Lifelong Learning Strategies, Politics and Institutions. The principal epistemological, theoretical and empirical research thread is the Complex Human Development related to local theory of educational processes. Particular attention is on relationship between emotional knowledge and rational knowledge, and tangible and intangible cultural knowledge. The fundaments are analyzed starting by processes of creating complex knowledge structures in individuals and groups in the framework of Knowledge Society and through the perspective of Lifelong Lifewide Learning. Researches and professional activities in counseling, education and professional training at different levels of analysis and intervention, are focused on the multidimensional approach of Participatory Action Research. The operational framework is the Educational Network/System, within which the different educational agencies, operators and services interact in the wider context of Local and Global Development for quality of environmental, social and individual life. All these research issues are crossed by the attention to the quality dimension and in the last years the problems of human development have been mostly considered in the trans- disciplinary dimension of the culture of peace. On the plan of the strategies and the practices of research, the experiences have allowed the disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches and the integration between theoretical research and applied research. These experiences are focused also on international Networking of universities and organizations responsible of the strategies and the plans of territorial development.

6) Research, Educational and Training Projects

International Projects From 2006 Project Unesco Chair on Human Development and Culture of Peace at Florence University (UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme) Role Chairholder Action The principal mission of the Unesco Chair is to promote studies, researches, actions and evaluations inside the sciences of the education, with an interdisciplinary perspective, on theoretical and methodological aspects that interest the development of the knowledge, the local development in relationship to the aspects of the globalization. In this context the Chair develops specific actions: - Community of Research Practices: international university network for the circulation and sharing of good practices of research for the study of reason and emotions in intercultural conflicts (partnership: UNESCO, Paris) - Network of Laboratories for the certification and acknowledgment of indigenous knowledge (partnership: MyDEL-ART-UNDP) - Projects on Local Human Development (partnership: Universities, Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral Cooperation, Governmental Institutions, No Governmental Organizations) Latin America - Brasil o “Escolas Comunitariaa e Formaçáo de Eduicación Sociál na favelas”, Salvador de Bahia - Cuba o “Guanabacoa: patrimonio cultural á valorízar”, Guanabacoa - Guatemala o “Integrated Human Development”, Sololà o “Education and Protection of Infancy and working Adolescence”, Guatemala City - Nicaragua o “Jardin Botanico ambiental”, León - Perù o “Project Ecocentro Cientifico Ambiental”, Lambayeque- Chiclaio (Planning) o “Ecocentro Industrial”, Yurimaguas (Planning) o “Ecoparque Ambienta”, Iquitos Mediterranean Area - Israel / Palestina o “Wings for Peace” (Planning) Sub-Saharian Africa - Burkina Faso o “Local Human Development”, Ouagadougou (Planning) 2005-2008 Project InterlinkPlus. Human potential and territorial patrimony for the endogenous sustainable development: theories, methods and interdisciplinary experiences between local and global knowledge Role International Scientific Coordinator Action InterlinPlus is an International Project financed by Italian Ministry of Education and Research for the internationalization of the University research; it involves Italian Universities (Florence, Naples, Siena, Padua) and Latin-American Universities (Brasil, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua). The Project is based on Local Development Projects in Latin-American Countries and Italy integrating tangible and intangible knowledge. The research program is organized in Work- Packages. Products on Theories and Good Practices for integrated researches, international cooperation and cooperators training are published and publishing in Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages. 2003 - 2008 Project Florence and Tuscany for Mayan Intercultural University (PIR Region Tuscany) Role International Scientific Coordinator Action Creation of the Intercultural Mayan University in Guatemala in the areas of Institutional Structure and Management, Faculties and Curricula, Research and Researchers Training 1999-2008 Project Universitas Programme, UNOPS Role International consultant Actions . 2002 – 2005 • 2008 - Laboratory on Human Development, ART-GOLD-UNOPS, Marocco • 2003 - Universitas Programme: postgraduate course on Human Development and International Cooperation • 1999 - 2002 - University Network for Human Development in Latin America e Mediterranean Area Project SìLeón - Framework Programme of Decentralized Cooperation (Tuscan Region), Léon Department, Nicaragua: Role Scientific Coordinator Action Technical Services in Educational and Training Areas European Projects From 2005 Project TEJACO. Le théâtre et le jeu pour l’accompagnement du changement dans les organizations (Leonardo Programme) Role Responsible for the monitoring and evaluation processes Action Project oriented to define methodology in order to facilitate the involvement into the European labour market of immigrated people and to encourage awareness of the importance of the cultural and linguistic diversity and multiculturalism within Europe 2005 - 2007 Project TTP. Developing Training Programmes for qualified Teachers to teach in Prisons (Socrates Programme – Grundtvig 1) Role Scientific Coordinator for the Italian research Group Action Research on best practices in Europe for teacher training to teach in prison 2004 -2005 Project The Local Learning Centers (European Commission Project) Role Scientific Responsible of Research Group of Italy, Romania, Malta Action Research on best practices in Europe 1996-2002 Project EC Socrates/Adult Education Programme Role Scientific Coordinator Action • 1999 – 2002, ESTEEM - European Study Circle Based on New Environmental Education Methodology • 1997-1998, Innovative Methods in Teaching Adults Today in Europe - IMITATE • 1996-1998, INTERLAB – the Didactics of Environmental and Cultural Goods for European Citizens Formation • 1995-1998, Mediterranean Itineraries for Environmental and Cultural Education of European Citizens National Projects From 2008 Project Investigation and recognition of educative professions, (PRIN - Scientific Program of Considerable National Interest, Ministry of Education and Research) Role National Coordinator for SIPED- Italian Society of Pedagogy 2007 – 2008 Project QUALFORED. Quality of higher education and research in education. Theoretical models and methodologies for research training, with particular reference to the pedagogic competences; evaluation devices of the quality for the innovation in knowledge society, (PRIN - Scientific Program of Considerable National Interest, Ministry of Education and Research) Role National Scientific Coordinator 2003 - 2005 Project New technologies for permanent education and nets in the Italian socioeconomic system, (Strategic Project , Ministry of Education University and Scientific Research FIRB) Role National Coordinator 2001 -2002 Project Campus One, National Plan of CRUI (Italian University Rectors Conference), National Reform of University System Role Coordinator of the Florence University Actions 2002 Project Degree courses accreditation process, Tuscan Region Role Counselor for University of Florence 1996 Project Laboratory on educational and training strategies for the emergency on the job, (University of Florence - ISPESL/Ministry of Health and RSPP and RLST) Role Director and Responsible for the Technical Management 1995-2000 Project Educational packages and didactic guidelines for emergency operators (National Law n..626), (ISPESL, Ministry of Health) Role National Coordinator 1995-1997 Project The formative process: interpretative hypotheses, (Ministry of Education and Research) Role National Coordinator (University of Florence, Bari, Milan, Naples, Padua) 1995-1997 Project Didactics of biodiversity in primary school within protected area, (Ministry of Education and Research) Role Scientific Director

7) Publications (A selection)

Publications in Italian Language - Le Professioni di Educatore, Pedagogista e Pedagogista ricercatore nel quadro europeo (in coll.), ETS, Pisa, 2017 – Cittadini, saperi e professionisti della Civitas Educationis terrestre. Scenario della formazione e della professionalità degli educatori e dei pedagogisti in "Civitas educationis. Education, Politics and Culture", Unisob, Napoli, 2016 – Pedagogia della democrazia e dello sviluppo umano. Una testimonianza bio- bibliografica di ricerca alla Scuola di Firenze in F. Cambi, P. Federighi, A. Mariani (editors), La pedagogia critica e laica a Firenze: 1950-2015, Florence University Press, Firenze, 2015 – Ricostruire il senso di comunità nella terra dei fuochi: il manager educativo nello sviluppo territoriale integrato verso Europa 2020 (in coll. con M.L. Iavarone), in AA.VV., in Pedagogia “militante”. Diritti, culture, territori (Convegno SIPED Catania 6 - 8 novembre 2014), ETS, Pisa, 2015 – L’università dei saperi connessi per la società dell’umanesimo planetario. Dal ‘Box Model’ della civiltà moderna al ‘Net Model’ della nuova Civitas educationis, in "Civitas educationis. Education, Politics and Culture", n. 2, 2013, pp. 73-94 – La relazione fra saperi materiali e immateriali nei progetti di sviluppo locale: l’esperienza di InterlinkPlus, in Paloscia, E.Tarsi (org.), Capitale Umano e Patrimonio Territoriale per il progetto locale. Contributi di ricerca interdisciplinare in America Latina e Italia, ED.IT, Firenze 2012, pp. 3 – 16 – La neoalfabetizzazione planetaria della multidiversitas. Alla ricerca della Nouvelle Encyclopédie, in E. Frauenfelder, O. De Sanctis, E. Corbi, Civitas educationis, Liguori, Napoli, 2011, pp. 297-302 - P.Orefice, A. Carullo, Silvana Calaprice (a cura di) , Le professioni educative e formative: dalla domanda sociale alla risposta legislativa, CEDAM, Padova, 2011 – Pedagogia sociale, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2011 – Orefice P., Granera R.S.,G. Del Gobbo (a cura di), Potenziale umano e patrimonio territoriale. Per uno sviluppo sostenibile tra saperi locali e saperi globali, Liguori, Napoli, 2010 - Introduzione alla Pedagogia ludica. La trama dei saperi emozionali e razionali nella “formazione leggera”, in Focus on Lifelong Lifewide Learning, n. 12, october 2008, review on line http://rivista.edaforum.it/ - Società, formazione e lifelong learning, in Newsletter AISLO, n. 3, February 2007, p. 7 (www.aislo.it) - La rivoluzione delle conoscenze in rete: una sfida per la formazione senza confini, in Frauenfelder E., Santoianni F. (a cura di), Teorie dell’apprendimento e modelli della conoscenza, Guerini Scientifica, Serie FIRB, Milano, 2006, pp. 39-57 - Introduzione and Lo sviluppo della qualità dell’offerta formativa e dei professionisti della formazione, in Orefice P., Aberici A., Le nuove figure professionali della formazione in età adulta. Profili e formazione universitaria, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006, pp. 9-12 e 85-98 - Pedagogia. Introduzione ad una scienza della formazione, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 2006 Voll. 1 and 2 - La ricerca azione partecipativa, Liguori, Napoli, 2006, Vol. 1 and 2 - Introduzione and L'apprendimento permanente nell'era della globalizzazione: la sfida planetaria della conoscenza, in Orefice P., Cunti A., Multieda. Dimensioni dell’educare in età adulta: prospettive di ricerca e d’intervento, Liguori Editori, Napoli, 2005, pp.1-4 e 101-111 - L'apprendimento permanente nell'era della globalizzazione, in Focus on Lifelong Lifewide Learning, march 2005, n.1 review on line http://rivista.edaforum.it/ - Apprendere la libertà. Ricordando Lamberto Borghi, in Orefice P., Cambi F., Educazione, libertà, democrazia. Il pensiero pedagogico di Lamberto Borghi, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2005, pp. 45-51 - Conoscenza e formazione superiore on-line: costruire sistemi di qualità, in AA.VV,, Come costruire conoscenza in rete?, Edizioni Menabò, Ortona, 2005, pp. 17-37 - Società, educazione e conoscenza: dal razionalismo disciplinare alla razionalità planetaria, in Orefice P., Sarracino V., Nuove questioni di Pedagogia Sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004. pp. 13 – 47 - Dai contenuti disciplinari alle conoscenze competenti: la didattica integrata per la costruzione dei saperi personali, in Bruscagli R., Coppini B. (a cura di), Formazione e aggiornamento dell’insegnante d’italiano, Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2004, pp.149-162 - La formazione di specie. Per la liberazione del potenziale di conoscenza del sentire e del pensare, Milano, Guerini, 2003 - Rapporto della missione in Angola. Per una proposta di Progetto educativo e formativo nazionale, provinciale e comunale integrato allo sviluppo umano sostenibile nel Piano biennale di lavoro UNOPS/PDH, in Studi sulla Formazione, Edizioni Gedit, Bologna, 2002, II,, pp. 87-96 - I domini conoscitivi. Origine, natura e sviluppo dei saperi dell’Homo sapiens sapiens, Roma, Carocci, 2001 - Formazione e processo formativo. Ipotesi interpretative (in coll.), Milano, Franco Angeli, 1998 - Itinerari Mediterranei. Kit per operatori di didattica ambientale degli adulti (Argolide, Catalogna, Toscana), 1998 - MOTER - Modello territoriale di programmazione educativa e didattica, Napoli, Liguori, 1997 - I ritmi di vita di Piazza S. Croce. Un’esperienza di educazione ambientale a Scuola-Città Pestalozzi, Napoli, Liguori, 1997 - Fondamenti teorici del processo formativo. Contributi per un’interpretazione, Napoli, Liguori,1996 - La qualificazione del sistema regionale di educazione degli adulti in Toscana. Rapporto di ricerca, Firenze, Educazione documenti/Regione Toscana, 1996 - Il Molise tra marginalità e sviluppo. Il contributo dell’educazione permanente. Ricerca sulla domanda e l’offerta formativa e culturale nella regione, Campobasso, Irrsae Molise, 1995 - I saperi dell’educazione. Aree di ricerca e insegnamento universitario (in coll.), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1995 - Didattica dell’ambiente. Guida per operatori della scuola, dell’extrascuola e dell’educazione degli adulti, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1993 - Politiche e interventi culturali e formativi in Italia nel secondo Novecento, Napoli, Ferraro Ed., 1991 - Operatori, strutture, interventi di educazione permanente. Il Servizio di didattica territoriale nel comprensorio flegreo: il Laboratorio di educazione della comunità l’ “assistenza in servizio” (in coll.), Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1991 - Il lavoro intellettuale in educazione. L’operatore della formazione tra l’intellettuale separato e l’intellettuale partecipativo, Firenze, La Nuova Italia,1991 - Gli anni della Repubblica. Cultura e formazione in Italia. Materiali di ricerca, Napoli, Ferraro Ed.,1988 - Lo studio interdisciplinare in educazione, Teramo, Giunti & Lisciani, 1983 - Comunità locali ed educazione permanente, Napoli, Liguori, 1981 - Educazione e territorio, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1978 - La comunità educativa, Napoli, Ferraro, 1975 Publication in others languages - The Pedagogical model of Participatory Action Research, in G. Del Gobbo, N. Bogataj, Lifelong learning devices for sustainable local development: the study circles experience in the crossborder area Italy-Slovenia, ETS, Pisa, 2015 - Ciudadanía emancipada a través de la Investigación Acción Participativa en la búsqueda de nuevos paradigmas de Desarrollo Humano, USACH, Santiago/FUP, Firenze, 2014 (ebook) - El miedo, el no y el secreto son palabras occidentales, desconocidas en nuestro idioma. Entrevista de Paolo Orefice a María Quiñelén sobre la educaciòn mapuche para la paz, in “Studi sulla Formazione”, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2013, II - O Potencial formativo do desenvolvimento local na sociedade planetária. Do dualismo dos saberes do mundo visível / invisível á unidade complexa dos saberes da realidade descontínua in Nunes E. J. F., Dias Nascimento A., Orefice P. (org.), Educação, Movimentos Sociais e Desenvolvimento Local Sustentável, EDUNEB, Salvador , 2012 - P.Orefice, J. Cumatz Pecher (coordinado por), Primer Informe de Investigación Acción Participativa en el Municipio de Sololá, Consejo Nacional de Educación Maya, Ciudad del Guatemala, Guatemala, 2009 - Complejidad y desarrollo local: valorización de los saberes Mayas por medio de la investigación participativa in Primer Informe de Investigación Acción Participativa en el Municipio de Sololá, (in coll.), CNEM, Ciudad del Guatemala, 2008 - Ciencia y desarrollo: hacia la ciencia planetaria para el desarrollo material e inmaterial de calidad: estructura y dinámica de los saberes locales y saberes globales in Educação e contemporainedade Educação Ambiental e Sociedades Sustentáveis, Revista da FAEEBA, Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB /Departamento de Educação, jul/dez 2007, Vol. 16, N. 28 - Educacion Superior e Interculturalidad. La Universidad entre conocimiento científico, conocimiento global y conocimientos locales in Human Development Resource Net , 2004 http://www.yorku.ca/hdrnet/images/uploaded/Orefice_Paolo_ITA.pdf - Funding of Lifelong Learning: The Italian Experience, from Country Report (OECD, 1998) Until Today, in AA.VV., Integrated Approaches to Lifelong Learning, Asia-Europe Institute. University of Malaya, Malaya, 2002, pp. 332- 336 - Indicateurs Transnationaux, in ESTEEM. Boite à outils transnationale pour l’éducation des adultes à travers l’environnement, Project Socrates ESTEEM, CE, Comunità Montana Mugello, Borgo S. Lorenzo, 2001, pp. 149-194 (plus CD and WEB) - Transnational Indicators, in ESTEEM. Transnational Tool Box for Environmental Adult Education, ESTEEM Socrates Project, EC, Comunità Montana Mugello, Borgo S. Lorenzo, pp. 141-182, 2001 (plus CD and: www.esteem-network.it - Participatory Research Methods in the Education of Adults: theoretical and methodological aspects, in M.Dale (Ed.), Towards the End of Teaching? Innovation in European Adult Learning, NIACE, Leicester, 2000, pp. 88-98 - The Locus Project, in A. Chadwick, A. Stannett (Ed.), Museums and Adult Learning. Perspectives from Europe, NIACE, Leicester, 2000, pp.93-102 - The Creation of Knowledge through Environmental Education, in J.P Hautecoeur (Ed.), Ecological Education in Everyday Life, Alpha 2000, UNESCO Institute for Education-University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2000, pp. 82-93 - La création des connaissances par la pédagogie environnementale, in J.P. Hautecoeur (Dir.), Education écologique dans la vie quotidienne, Alpha 2000, Institut de l'UNESCO pour l'Education, Ministère de l'Education du Québec, Québec, 2000, pp.111-124 - Funding of Lifelong Learning: the Italian Experience (in coll. con P. Federighi), OECD, Paris (on the OECD Internet Home Page: www.oecd.org./copyr.htm/) 1998 - Guide des Itinéraires, in Itinéraires Méditerranéens pour l'éducation environnementale et culturelle du citoyen européen, Projet Socrates CE, Pacini & Regione Toscana, Pisa- Firenze (also in catalan, greec and italian); see also: Interlab, Projet Socrates, Regione Toscana, Florence, 1999, CD) - Pour une théorie de la convergence en éducation des adultes, in Convergence, Toronto, ICAE, 2 - 3, pp.138-149, 1997 - "Mo.ter." Research. An Italian Experience, in ICEA Regional Newsletter, Wigan, ICEA, 1990,4, pp.11-15